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Фото Гостиница Rеikartz Кременчуг

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Отзывы о Гостиница Rеikartz Кременчуг:

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Дмитрий Н. 20 Февраля 2013

Увы, "Онтарио" превратилась в банальную ночлежку, но за большие деньги... Уверен, останавливался в ней последний раз!

Alex 30 Сентября 2010

"Frequent visitors bandits, thieves, drug addicts and drunks!" in the most expensive hotel in the city? "Conditioners do not work" why are they there then? "Bedding is not changed for weeks, no laundry!" are you serious? “Require them extra money” prices are equal

Peter 5 Мая 2010

Lord, «Ontario» worst hotel in the city of Kremenchug, Ukraine! Frequent visitors bandits, thieves, drug addicts and drunks! TV is not working properly, ants and cockroaches crawling on the beds! Conditioners do not work. Summer is very hot, extremely cold in winter! RV for your machines no protection there! Beware! Bedding is not changed for weeks, no laundry! The bar and restaurant, guests are deceiving, the food is bad, the water is dirty! Director - an alcoholic, he hates foreigners, require them extra money, If you want to live - do not stop at «Ontario»!

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Адрес и телефон Гостиница Rеikartz Кременчуг:
ул.Бутырина, 15, Кременчуг, Украина.
0 800 304 500 , +380 5367 577 7 0 (Пожалуйста, сообщайте, что вы звоните с сайта rest.guru.ua)
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